
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School classes for all ages September through May. Sunday School for children, youth, and adults meets from September to May from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.
There are two on-going classes for Adults:
“The Present Word” is a bible study class. It uses a three year rotation of texts called the Uniform Lesson Series.
The Polly Dodson Class uses various books and curricula that cover a wide variety of topics, including current issues and events as well as church-related topics of interest.
Children’s Events
Village Arts Camp: Arts for All Ages (usually in early June) We offer a three day summer Arts Camp that explores a Biblical story through a variety of art experiences, including painting, music, weaving, dance, food, yoga, fabric art and various crafts. Each day a kid-friendly dinner is served before programming begins. On the fourth day all participants are invited to a pool and pizza party.

Youth Fellowship
(Middle and High School Youth)
Youth activities focus on the areas of fellowship, service, study, and worship. Youth and adults work together to plan activities twice a month year round.
Youth become full members of the congregation by participating in the Confirmation Program. This bi-annual program usually occurs during Lent, with confirmands being received as members on Palm Sunday. Adult mentors from the congregation play an important role in accompanying the youth through the confirmation journey.

Short-term Adult Learning Opportunities
We offer short term studies based on seasonal topics during Advent, Lent, and at other times during the year.
Join us at 10 AM on Sundays June through August for Coffee and Conversation, a less formal discussion of current events for adults.
Other Seasonal Events
Look for other special seasonal events such as Advent workshops, Christmas pageants, Easter and Pentecost celebrations, etc.