Who We Are
We are a Presbyterian church (more about that below) but we are also one of a kind:
We are a congregation of beautiful and broken people being transformed by the love of God. We are not perfect, but through God’s grace we are loved anyway. God’s Spirit is working on us and through us, to create the kingdom of God on earth. That’s both humbling and exciting!
We believe that God created the world and that we are made in God’s image to be creative, so we take a creative approach to worship, using a variety of arts to help people connect and respond to God.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and the Bible is our guide for living the life of faith. We are curious to know God and ourselves better, so we study and discuss, we ask questions and admit when we don’t know all the answers.
We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for the poor and oppressed, so we roll up our sleeves and join with our neighbors to address pressing issues and needs.
We believe God calls us to love each other so we care about people of all ages and at varying stages on their faith journey.
We were planted on this corner to minister to the people in our neighborhood, so we have deep roots here. But we are citizens of the 21st century, too, and our welcome extends to those who join us via technology as well as in person.